Stakeholder Tools
Every stakeholder working with KUMO’s marketing and/or product design should follow our Branding Guide, a rulebook containing specifications on everything that plays a role in the look and feel of our brand –everything from typography and color to logos and imagery.
Brand Guide
In this document, we’ve gathered for our team a series of design components that can be reused or re-purposed throughout our product designs to maintain a consistent experience and look for our guests.
Before downloading our fonts, please read the sections "Look & Feel" and "Typography" in our brand guide to understand the proper use of typography families for our product and marketing designs.
Julius Sans One
All photography is original, helping guests have an accurate idea of what to expect when visiting our restaurant. Every artwork needs to showcase the space and clean, high-definition product shots, that amplify the restaurant’s fine dining experience and Caribbean aura.
Please read the section "Logo and Text over Photo Backgrounds" in our brand guide to learn how to use photography combined with other brand elements.